HDOA: “Buy Local, It Matters” Education Pavilion
Check out the numerous educational exhibits in the Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s “Buy Local, It Matters” Education Pavilion. Local vendors and other agriculture related entities will inform, inspire and educate.

Exhibitor List
Organization Name: | Description |
Akaka Falls | A local producer will be selling marmalades, preserves, jams, butter, and honey from their farm in Honomu. |
Boy Scouts | They will provide information about the Boy Scouts and will have interactive games for kids (i.g. knot tying and slime making) |
Da Crispy Cow LLC | Locally made pet food. |
HARC | A non-profit research organization that will have papaya cuttings for sale and activities for kids. |
Hawaii Cattlemen’s Council | A non-profit organization that will have information on the Hawaii beef industry and will have interactive games for kids. |
Hawaii DOA | Education booth with interactive games for kids, invasive species panel, and promotional materials as prizes. |
Hawaiian Earth | A local producer that makes and sells compost on Oahu. They will sell compost for $5 per 5-gallon bucket and will have a planting activity for kids. |
Laie Vanilla Co | A local producer will be selling their Laie vanilla beans, vanilla extract kits, and other vanilla products. |
Oahu Invasive Species Council | Is an organization that will share information regarding invasive species. They will be passing out free little fire ants test kits and providing information on invasive pasture pests. |
Oahu Resource Conservation & Development Council (ORC&D) | A non-profit organization that will have a soil erosion display, educational pamphlets, and information regarding their Women Farmers Network. |
Pomoi Kulolo | Local producers will be selling poi, kulolo, haulolo, and other items. Buy Flagyl |
Thoune Hongphao Farm | A local sugar cane grower will be making and selling sugar cane juice. |
USDA – NRCS/ FSA | Two programs under the Department of Agriculture will have informational resources regarding their programs. |
USDA – Wildlife Control | Another program under the Department of Agriculture will educate participants about their services. |